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Monday, 30 December 2013

Christmas Day!

It could only take me five days to get together some photos from Crimbo day itself. I don't even have many pictures! I've got so many posts that I want to get together, December Favourites/ 2013 Favourites and What I Got For Christmas posts to name a couple and to be completely honest I'm in my new tartan onesie, eating chocolate and watching Pirates of the Caribbean! Need. Motivation. Now!

Anyway, here's a few photos I got from the days around Christmas. I don't even have one of the dinner (it was devoured too quickly!)

Christmas Day

Christmas day face mask anyone?

Christmas Day

Homemade Viennetta! Was better than the original, if I do say so myself! Melted quickly though :(

Christmas Day

Christmas Day

What would Christmas day be without a selfie or two?

Sorry this isn't a post laden with beautiful decorations, food and people. I thought, to make up for that fact, I'd talk about how our Christmas day goes down. I love hearing about people's different traditions (and I'm hoping you do too!) 
We get up in the morning, Santa doesn't come now that me and my sister are older (much to my disappointment) so we're allowed to open one present (of my Mum's choosing of course!) In my present was a calendar and diary, which the stationary lover in me was thrilled at. We then make dinner and have that around 2 o'clock. Once dinner is all cleared up, I usually start the never ending nibbling of chocolates and whatever else is around. If you feel the slightest bit not full on Christmas, you're not doing it right! 
After the Queen's speech, we're allowed to open the presents. I remember one year, her speech was 20 minutes long, the suspense was killing me after sitting through that! Thankfully it was only really five minutes this year, so we were spared. We then open our presents, one by one. I'm chief gift-giver-outer; a role I take particularly seriously! We'll then settle in to the cheesy Christmas TV! The best kind of TV!

Do you have any traditions for Christmas? I actually quite like our one as it makes the day a bit more exciting, instead of just a frenzy in the morning. Again, hope you had a great Christmas!

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Thanks for commenting! I love hearing your opinion so I'll try to get back you as soon as possible. Make sure to check back for a reply! Alex xx

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