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Monday, 18 November 2013

The Weekend #2

I'm thinking of making this a series, on a Monday, not a Wednesday like last week! See last week's HERE. Now that I've committed to it, I probably won't do it (30 Day Snap anyone?) It won't be every weekend, just on the ones where I've done something more than lounge around and study. Hope you enjoy finding out about my weekends!

the weekend post

Me and my house mate cooked up a storm with home made shepherd's pie. To complete this Saturday night, we then went to the library... Crazy girls us!!

the weekend post

As to not lose our student cred, we headed to our local pub with our other house mates for a chilled drink and catch up after. We're rarely all together at the same time because of uni and work so it's nice to sit down and just chat.

the weekend post

Sunday morning, I treated myself to a boiled egg and soldiers. It was perfect, thanks for asking! Delia Smith's method works every time. As soon as the water starts boiling, time one minute for the perfect soft boiled egg. Also caught up on some new videos. This one was Caspar Lee's accent challenge.

the weekend post 

The weekend wouldn't be anything without catching up on law gossip (quite different to beauty gossip!) and some studying. I'm currently preparing for my land law class on Tuesday. Fun times!

I've also cooked up a ginger and pear crumble for afters later, which I can't wait for! And of course given my make brushes their weekly clean. I really am turning into a domestic goddess! How has your weekend been? Did venture out the house more than me?

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