In my recent trip to the hair dresser, I decided I was going to get my hair re-relaxed. Some backstory on my hair. It was natural until four years ago. I then relaxed it (chemically straightened it) for two years. After a while, I realised my hair was getting too damaged and quite short, so I stopped it and let it grow out. Relaxing is also very expensive so with going to university, it made sense to stop it.
More recently though, I felt my hair was getting unmanageable. It didn't look good naturally curly and that really limits my hair choice from there. After having a lengthy chat with my hair dresser, she suggested a body wave perm instead of relaxing. Now hearing the word perm immediately put my back up. I imagined old ladies with their tight curls and blue rinse. My hair dresser explained to me, however that this was a different type of perm that just relaxes the curl and weighs it down (meaning it won't shrink like my natural hair would). What I really wanted out of my hair was a way I could have it curly but without it look untamed and lets face it, crazy! I thought relaxing was the only way to do this but the perm is way better as you don't have to use any heat styling tools at all!
The process took around two hours and to be completely honest I have no idea what they did. There were rollers, washing, perm lotion. You could probably google for what they do in detail!
Anyway the results. When I left the salon my hair was damp with loose curls in it. Over the next few hours, it grew around three or four inches big. A good amount of volume without looking like Disco Stu from the Simpsons.
The hair dresser stressed how I would be able to 'wash and go' and I really can. There isn't loads of blow drying or curlers, just a couple of products and I can run out the door. I wash it with shampoo and conditioner aimed at sleek hair. Perming makes the hair porous. This means that it can lose and take on moisture easily. By using shampoo and conditioners aimed at sleek/smooth hair, which usually contains proteins, it can lock in the moisture. Treating your hair to a deep condition regularly is also important. I co-wash my hair everyday meaning I run condition through it and comb it through. I use deep conditioner to do this, leaving it on for a few minutes, to inject as much moisture as possible.
The products I use after washing is a curl activator and a leave in conditioner. The curl activator I use is a Silk one I bought from the salon. I'm sure you could buy it online though. The leave in conditioner is TresSemmes. They do two versions of the leave in conditioner and I always buy the one that is cheaper at the time!
For special occasions, I will be able to straighten my hair so I like that I also have that option. This post may not be relevant for a lot of people but if you'd like to inject some volume into fine, lifeless hair or make naturally curly hair more manageable, I'd really recommend the body wave perm!
Do you have any special treatments on your hair or love any particular hair products?
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