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Saturday, 30 March 2013

New Lipstick on the Scene


I have only very recently become a lipstick fan. I was always more of a 'slick of vaseline and you're good to go' girl but I have been lured!

A couple of years ago, my Nana bought me a lipstick for Christmas (I know it has probably expired, oops but I love it too much to part with) and it was promptly thrown in a draw, never to be looked at again. Until one night I was going out and fancied a lick of colour, I pulled out the lipstick (which was Bourjois Sweet Kiss) and never looked back.

Sweet Kiss
I will admit to never putting much pressure on this lipstick and always diluting the colour down with vaseline at first but I slowly became more confident. This was when my eye began to stray to new shades and I spotted the Bourjois Rouge Edition lipsticks. Fuschia Graffiti 07 immediately caught my eye, and my room mate can vouch for me when I say that every time we went to town, I would drag her into Superdrug to drool over it.

Fuchsia Graffiti

Finally after about a month of swatching my hand every time I was in a mile vicinity of this lipstick, I have it in my possession and it has quite overshadowed my beloved first. I'm sorry!
What are your lipstick favourites? Recommendations most welcome!

Review of both lipsticks and comparisons to come

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Thanks for commenting! I love hearing your opinion so I'll try to get back you as soon as possible. Make sure to check back for a reply! Alex xx

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