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Monday, 6 January 2014

New Years Blogging Resolutions

New Years Blogging Resolutions
 I wasn't going to do any New Years Resolutions this year. I feel like I'm setting myself up to fail. I ALWAYS break them. Get fitter; I put on weight. Eat healthy; I'll binge eat chocolate for a week straight. Do my work sooner and here I am sitting with two pieces of coursework to do. As the Lean Machines said in a video recently, it doesn't matter what day it is, new year or not, just start doing something! (I'm not practising what they're preaching unfortunately!)
I suppose you're wondering after that extremely long intro, why I'm now writing a resolution post? I found that when I wrote this post (LINK) about blog goals, it really spurred me onto reach those goals. I only fell short on one, which I think is pretty good! So I thought instead of personal resolutions, I'll do some blog ones.

1. I'd love to grow my audience more. By the end of the year, I'd love to have 150 followers. Just under five times what I have now. Better get promoting!

2. Relating to my first goal, I'd like to become a bit more clued up on SEO, photography, HTML and the likes. I know the basics of these but I always think you can learn more and improve.

3. I've recently given my blog a cleaner, more minimalistic design so I'm quite happy with it at the moment. However I'd like to keep on top of it this year instead of having to spend hours all at one time to get it how I would like it (and therefore avoiding the meltdown when the HTML isn't working how I'd like it to!)

4. Comment on more blogs. I know this seems like a really weird thing but I read so many blogs on bloglovin' on my iPad that it makes it hard to comment on them. I'm more likely to read and exit, even when I have an opinion on something, which is crazy!

5. Make more blogger friends! I love chatting to other bloggers so I'm going to make a more concerted effort to do it!

Do you have any resolutions, personal or blogging related?

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  1. Good luck for 2014! I want to get more involved in the beauty blogger community! Would be nice to get to know a few more people! :)

    1. Thank you and to you! It would be, I'd love to go to some events/ meet ups this year too :-)

  2. My resolutions are pretty similar to yours! Just hope to expand my audience and connect more.

    Love your blog!

    1. Great! I hope you do well with your resolutions! I've found twitter to be the best resource so far! Thank you so much!xx


Thanks for commenting! I love hearing your opinion so I'll try to get back you as soon as possible. Make sure to check back for a reply! Alex xx

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